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我要评论(0) 字号:T T 03-22 17:04:50   浏览次数:957  栏目:初中英语阅读理解
标签:英语阅读理解技巧,初三英语阅读理解,http://www.qingsong8.com 初中英语阅读理解综合试题11,
Weather and Men
Everybody talks about the weather, but nobody does anything about it. It is
true. People usually begin their talks with "Isn't it a nice day?" "Do you think
it will rain?" "What a fine day!" etc.
Many people think they can tell what the weather is going to be like. But
they hardly agree with each other. One man may say, "Do you see how cloudy it
is in the east? It's going to rain tomorrow." Another man will say, "No, it's
going to be fine tomorrow."
People often look for the weather they want. When a farmer needs water, he
looks for something to tell him it's going to rain; he won't believe anything
else. When friends have a travel, they are sure the weather is goint to clear
up very quickly.
Almost everyone listens to what the weather man says. But he doesn't always
tell us what we want, and once in a while he makes a mistake. Still, he probably
comes closer to being correct than anyone else.
1. "Nobody does something about the weather" means ____.
A. nobody can make weather
B. nobody can change weather
C. nobody can talk about weather
D. nobody likes weather
2. ____ is a common way to start a talk.
A. Talking about weather 
B. Keeping silent
C. Asking each other's names
D. Smile
3. Many people hope the weather will be ____.
A. fine
B. rainy
C. cloudy
D. like what they like to be
4. A weatherman probably is a man who ____.
A. reports weather
B. can see weather
C. can change weather
D. is made of weather
5. When it is cloudy in the east, you know that ____ tomorrow.
A. it is going to rain
B. it will be fine
C. it will be still cloudy
D. A or B or C

There are more than 3,000 million people on the earth and about 2,500 languages.
Of these languages only about twelve are used by more than 50 million people.
Here are the names of some languages which have very wide use: Chinese, English,
French, German, Japanese etc. All these languages have more people talking them
today than ever before. A hundred and fifty years ago there were only about
twenty million people who talked English, for example. Now there are at least
two hundred and fifty million, and there may be many, many more.
1. There are about ____ languages in the world.
A. 3,000
B. 2,500
C. 5
D. 50 million
2. Which languages are widely used in the world?
A. English and Chinese
B. German and Japanese
C. French
3. 150 years ago, only about ____ people spoke English. 
A. 20,000
B. 200,000
C. 2,000,000
D. 20,000,000
4. Which of the following languages has most speakers, do you think?
A. English
B. French
C. Chinese
D. Japanese
5. We know that now there are ____ people speaking English than before.
A. fewer
B. much less
C. much more
D. many more
标签:初中英语阅读理解,英语阅读理解技巧,初三英语阅读理解,英语教学 - 初中英语 - 初中英语阅读理解