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我要评论(0) 字号:T T 03-22 21:27:20   浏览次数:687  栏目:高中英语作文
标签:高中英语作文范文,高中英语作文网,http://www.qingsong8.com 英语作文:描述你的英语老师,
  Miss Li is our English teacher. She always impresses us deeply with her lively English class.

  One day when the first bell rang, the monitor stood up and said, “Our English teacher is going to have an operation today. It has not been decided yet who will give us the lesson. ”The class turned silent at his words. It seemed that no one would believe him. In fact, all of us were afraid that Miss Li would no longer be with us. At this moment, Miss Li appeared at the door. She looked tired and pale.

  “I’ll be missing you badly, ”she said in a low voice, “I have asked the doctor to put off the operation till tomorrow because I don’t want you to miss a single class. ”She went on, “A new teacher will take my place and I hope you’ll get on well with him. I’ll come back as soon as I’m better. ”

  Hearing this, all of us were moved to tears. What a good teacher we have.

标签:高中英语作文,高中英语作文范文,高中英语作文网,英语教学 - 高中英语 - 高中英语作文