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当前位置:轻松教学网范文写作常用公文广播稿Come on! Everybody!

Come on! Everybody!

我要评论(0) 字号:T T 01-01 15:15:59   浏览次数:299  栏目:广播稿
标签:小学生广播稿大全,红领巾广播稿,http://www.qingsong8.com Come on! Everybody!,
There is a question coming with the new sports meet. Back to the history of sports in our institute, it seems too plain to make us satisfy. In the news century, we should take on a new appearance us well as our institute. We are noake our institute outstanding. The sports meet is a god way for us to show our wishes, abilities, friendships and confidence. We are expecting for new records, more moving pictures, more come-ons. We are waiting for the brand-new sports meet. We are now expecting. Come on! Everybody! 文 章来 源 文秘,Come on! Everybody!
标签: 暂无联系方式广播稿,小学生广播稿大全,红领巾广播稿,常用公文 - 广播稿