周 次 单 元 页 数 重 要 句 型 四 会 单 词 语 音 语 法 重 点 教 学 要 求
1-2 1 My school 1-6 There’s a/an…
Is there a/an…? Yes, there is . No, there isn’t. an art room a classroom a computer room
a hall a library a music room a playground
isn’t = is not have a look cool Ou (out ,around shout, playground ,
Mouth, mouse ) There be 结构的陈述句和它的一般疑问句及其肯定否定回答 1) 每课A、B部分的单词和句子不仅要能流利背诵出来,还能默写或听写出来;
2) 每课C、E部分要求能流利背诵并有声有色地表演出来;
3) 每天跟磁带听当天所学内容若干遍,周末将本周所学内容再听一至两遍,这是每天固定的作业;
4) 两本练习册具体操作:抄写本(copybook)是课后在家完成相应部分,应定期上交批阅,活动手册在课堂上完成,并立即检查正误;
5) 课前一定要预习,课后一定要复习。
3-4 2 At school 7-12 What do you do in the …?We … and …..
We play in the …… Study , paint, line up, dining hall, eat, drink, do,
We , at school, well Ea (ice cream , seat, read, eat ,
Meat, please, ) 介词in 的运用。连词and 的运用。代词we的用法
5-6 3 My robot 13-18 What’s in your…?There’s a/an…. Is there a/an…?Yes, there is.It has long arms. It has big knees and big feet. Arm, head, knee, leg, foot(feet) shoulder ,hand , Oh, dear, great, now, again, Ea(head, bread, ready, steady, ) 用形容词描述身体部分
7-8 4 Senses 19-24 What can you see ? I can see/hear /smell a….. I see /hear/ smell/ with my….. Train, plane, ship, road, lorry, van, truck, with, hear, smell, park, wait, cross. Ai(rain, sail) ay (away, play) 情态动词can的用法
小学英语教案 小学英语课件 小学二年级英语教案
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